Who Long Grove Ventures is . . .
Scott R. Graflund is a 22 year veteran from Morgan Stanley and has led in executive assignments involving IT, Operations and Private Equity. As a former Managing Director at Morgan Stanley, Graflund pioneered the Private Wealth Management group’s global technology and operational platform. Scott managed a number of high profile merger and platform integration efforts and also led the effort to develop a firm-wide resource management strategy. Later in his career he served as President of Morgan Stanley IT Holdings where he managed a private equity portfolio completing transactions generating profits in excess of $100 million.
Scott founded Long Grove Ventures in 2008 to put the best successes he had helping Fortune 500 companies to use in serving small and mid market IT and IT dependent companies.
Our Team
We have a team of hand-picked professionals with real world operating experience working in companies, working with companies and building their own companies.
Our Beliefs
Our mission is to develop and execute on strategies that create extraordinary value.